Cooking tips: Tips and tricks to make everyday cooking easy, healthy and more delicious
Useful cooking tips and tricks
If you are a beginner, you have probably been spending way too much time cooking in your kitchen. To cut some of the work that goes into making all those tasty dishes, read on for a ton of super-easy and super useful cooking tricks.
1. Do the onions first
If you're cooking a recipe that calls for sauteing both onions and garlic, do the onions first. Onions take longer to soften up, while garlic burns pretty easily. So it only makes sense to cook the former first-then drop the garlic in as the onions are finishing.
2.Add brown sugar to your tomato sauce
Add brown sugar to your tomato sauce to make the overall flavor even richer. Whether it's white sugar or brown sugar, adding just a tablespoon of it to tomato sauce will make the flavor really pop.
3. Juicing limes or lemons
When juicing limes or lemons, cut the bottom off first so that all the juice runs through the fruit instead of getting trapped in the rind. Don't waste all that grip strength on a few measly drops of lime juice!
4.Remember to Season your cold food
Remember to season your cold foods more than your hot foods. Most people are able to taste hot foods a little better than cold foods. To make up for this dissonance, be sure to season your cold foods- most commonly, salads- with a heavier hand. An extra pinch of salt can go a long way.
5.To make extra-fluffy pancakes
To make extra-fluffy pancakes, leave a few lumps in the batter. If you stir your batter just enough to create a smooth texture- your pancakes will end up perfectly fluffy.
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